Civet, a functional programming oriented language as superset of Typescript
Delving into Civet's syntax enhancements and integration ecosystem to evaluate its real advantages and potential challenges

How I migrated flaming.codes from Next.js to Qwik
My two-week journey of migrating flaming.codes from Next.js to Qwik and Qwik City

Windows 95 and its relevance in computer history
What fatures Windows 95 established that are still valid today

Remember everything with Rewind.ai: using it for work
How Rewind.ai can help you remember things you already forgot

Arc Browser for Web Development & Management
How the Arc Browser's UX improves the workflow for developers

Background sounds in iOS and macOS
How to Use Background Sounds to Create a Calming Environment on iOS and macOS

Barrel files in JavaScript
The Benefits and Disadvantages of Using Barrel Files in JavaScript

Github Copilot Labs
An experimental extension to enhance Github Copilot

PWA Screenshot Previews
How to show screenshots in your PWA's installation prompt

Package-agnostic scripts with Node.js
How to simplify running scripts in NPM, Yarn and PNPM

The 'satisfies'-operator in TypeScript
Validate that the type of an expression matches some type, without changing the resulting type of that expression

Guide for beginners into Node.js and NPM
How to start with Node.js and the Node Package Manager

Control external monitors on Windows
How to use a free app to control the brightness for all monitors

The Many Differences Between Unix and Linux
How two of the most popular operating systems differ from each other.

A simple introduction to Typescript
A brief introduction to some concepts of Typescript

The Symbol in Javascript
Get to Know Symbols: The Unique Data Type for Object Properties

DOM TreeWalker API
The TreeWalker API: A powerful tool for traversing the DOM tree.

Better documentation in TS & JS
How to write better docs in Javascript with rich metadata

Types for Tailwind-CSS config
How to use Typescript types for Tailwind-CSS

Dark mode for Github Markdown images
How to use different images in Markdown for light or dark mode

How to determine OS in browser
Use modern APIs to retrieve information about the host system of your web app

Start a specific iOS or iPadOS simulator
How to use the Terminal to select and launch any installed simulator

New viewport sizes
How svh, lvh and dvh can improve your responsive design

MSW in SvelteKit
How to implement MSW for local development in SvelteKit

Gitpod IDE in the cloud
Ephemeral workspaces, it's all-ops in the cloud

License generator in SvelteKit
Create a list of dependencies for you SvelteKit-project

Lazy loading modules in Svelte
How to import your component on demand

Custom lib-folder in SvelteKit
How to create a path alias in SvelteKit

AfterDark Screensaver for macOS
How to install one of the best screensavers ever

Setup HMR for SvelteKit with Gitpod
How to use Hot Module Reload with SvelteKit and Gitpod

Bundle Fonts in your web app
How Fontsource provides fonts to ship with your app

Generate SVG from Google Fonts
How to use a web app to transform any text to SVG

Replace Material-UI with Tailwind.css
Case study about replacing Material-UI with Tailwind.css

Lightweigt alternative to Axios
Using Redaxios instead of Axios as a small alternative

Code Reviews: How to level up your skills
Why code reviews are the most powerful tool to become a better developer

Raycast for macOS
A versatile tool control a huge set of common tasks

Github Code Search
How to use Github's fuzzy-search for your repositories

Control brightness on macOS external displays
How to use app called MonitorControl for screen brightness changes

'CSS Overview' in Chromium's DevTools
How to analyze your CSS with DevTools

Typescript Template String Types as Discriminants
Improved template literal types with Typescript 4.5

Load Node.js builtin modules
A slightly special import-syntax for builtin modules

Coding in VR
Why the Quest 2 (and more) from Meta is a milestone in virtual reality

Remove ignored files in git
One command to use for removing ignored files that are checked-in

Catch errors in Promise.all
A safe alternative to Javascript's Promise.all

The most powerful SSH-terminal
How to use VS Code as your daily SSH-terminal

Working with Github Copilot
How an AI can improve your coding speed drastically

Github Command Palette
How to search for repositories and quick actions on Github

UX case study of a blog post page
How I designed the article page for this web app

What is the 'navigator' in progressive web apps?
How the 'navigator' enables progressively enhancing your web apps

Simple animated analog clock in Tailwind.css
How to create a very simple analog clock with animation only in Tailwind.css

UX case study of a portfolio page
The thoughts that influenced the design of my personal portfolio page

UX case study of an overview page
How I designed the overview page for all post-categories

Special network function for analytics data in browser
How to use 'sendBeacon' to reliably transmit small data chunks

Writing an xbar plugin for Plausible.io
How I wrote a JS-plugin for the xbar-app to see the current number of visitors

React.js Portal
The magic of rendering elements outside the own DOM-tree

iPhone screen sharing on Mac
How to show your iOS screen on your Mac

Next.js NPM license generator
How to create licenses from your package.json

React Batched Updates
How to combine state updates in a single render call

Network Information API for PWAs
How to determine real network data in your web app

DaisyUI - Tailwind components
The Bootstrap equivalent for Tailwind utility classes

The Javascript XML sytnax

A PWA called DevTools
A developer's best friend is actually a Progressive Web App, right in Chromium

Supabase - Backend as a service
A truly open source alternative to Firebase

Android Incremental FS
How a virtual file system in Android allows for much faster game starts

Github user per project scope
How to use a different Github-user for different projects

SEO without Google Analytics?
Can you reach Google's top ranks without Analytics enabled?

Node.js error with context
How to add an error cause to throws in V8 9.3 and later

Android Studio on Ubuntu with NVM
How to correctly setup up NVM on Ubuntu to work with Android Studio

ES6 import with parameters
How to pass parameters to an ES6 module when importing it

Moving to a new flat
How to move to a new flat when you're working up to 12 hours a day

How I learned 12 languages - in one night
Using the latest from machine learning and some clever caching

Thoughtful Coding
Why coding is more than the stringing together of symbols

Kickscale Scheduler
The Gmail-extension to automatically find free meetings

AC600 on Ubuntu
How to install Netgear's AC600 drivers on Ubuntu

Firebase Functions domain
How to use a custom domain for Firebase Functions

Providing RSS
This PWA provides an RSS feed

Fix mobile webkit 100vh
Mobile Webkit's handling of 100vh might need more attention

Opening ≠ opening
Forms, opportunities and disadvantages of open science

Basic Attention Token
A new revenue model for the web

Microdata for web semantic
How to enhance your pages with more semantic information

A WYSIWYG web app builder

Android Emulator on Apple M1
How to use the Emulator for Android on Apple Silicon devices

Typescript Private Class Properties
Typescript supports private properties for classes

Typescript Tuple Types
How to best type tuples in Typescript 4.2 and later

Chrome & Edge DevTools Command Menu
How to navigate the DevTools like a power user

Typescript Template String Types
How to narrow down string types using the template string mechanism

What is AuthN and AuthZ
A simple guide about the difference between Authorization and Authentication

Advanced try/catch/finally in Javascript and Typescript
Take a detailed look at the implementation of a try-catch-finally-block

PWA vibration API
Let's use the navigator to shake your device

Supercharged Github Markdown
See how versatile Github's Markdown can be

Media Session API
Providing media meta data and callbacks in your PWA

Web Locks API
Coordinate work and the use of resources among different processes

When your PWA starts to speak
Using WaveNet to add speech synthesis for articles

Cypress Component Test Runner
Building unit component tests for React

Fix for Webkit's 100vh in Tailwind
How to fix the 100vh behavior in Tailwind

IntelliJ for Apple M1
The complete IntelliJ-suite is available for Apple's M-processors

The Disney Method
How to be more creative by being more systematic

Web Share API
How use the web's native share-API

Fire Code With Me
It's time to set some code on fire!

Trusted Web Activity
How to validate your web app - and create an Android app from it

Typescript Tagged Template Strings
How to use template strings as functions

Cloudflare Workers
Fast serverless functions hosted by Cloudflare's CDN

Web App Badging API
How use a badge for your installed PWA

Miller Columns
A great layout concept that changed the UI for filesystems

UX study: copy to clipboard
How to design a copy-to-clipboard action in your UX

Android Performance Class
How each Android version defines its level of performance

Next.js-config with type checking
How to use type checking for your next.config.js

Digital morphogenesis
The interdisciplinary field of natural patterns in digital computation

Codespaces by Github
IDE as a service, available in your browser

What is a UI pattern?
Taking a look at a new aspect in UI design

An interface for Reinforcement Learning to access the Android OS

Privacy-First Analytics
How to respect your users and still monitor performance

Firestore Data Bundles
A new implementation for cached Firestore documents

Typescript Pipeline Operator
Write chained function calls in Typescript

PWA in Microsoft App Store
How to publish your PWA in the Microsoft App Store

What's XaaS?
It's everything as a service, and more

Google ZX - shell scripts with Javascript
How to write shell-scripts with Javascript and Node.js

Head of Remote Work
How to keep everyone and everything in sync